AACC International AACC International

doi:10.1094/CFW-55-4-0190 |  VIEW ARTICLE

AACC International Report

Twenty-First Century Mentoring

K. Deuschle. AACC International, St. Paul, MN, U.S.A. Cereal Foods World 55(4):190-191.

Mentoring is an age-old concept that has proven to be successful in increasing job satisfaction and career performance. Informal mentoring is the classic concept of mentoring with a senior colleague guiding an early career colleague. Companies and other organizations have started formal mentoring programs, attempting to replicate the benefits of informal mentoring. In seeking mentoring, creating a development network—a web of mentors from a variety of areas, including work and professional organizations—can be beneficial for the protégé. Finally, internet technology is being utilized by the practice of mentoring through the emergence of e-mentoring. The 21st century protégé must be aware of all of these concepts to be successful in receiving the guidance they seek.


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