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doi:10.1094/CFW-55-1-0043 |  VIEW ARTICLE


Cereals: Building Safety into the Product Development Process

R. F. Stier. Sonoma, CA, U.S.A. Cereal Foods World 55(1):43-44.

All food processors are mandated to produce safe food; a program that should begin during the product development process. One thing that developers cannot take for granted is that all foods are safe. This is especially true with many grain-based products. Who would have thought that there would be two major foodborne outbreaks in a 10-year span associated with breakfast cereal? Or, even more surprising, is a documented outbreak traced to potato chips. Yes, potato chips—a product that is fried in hot oil at temperatures in the 340–360°F range. The causative agent was a seasoning blend containing paprika that was contaminated with salmonella. So, one can assume that almost any product can end up being a vehicle for foodborne illness, assuming the right (or wrong) series of events happens.


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