AACC International AACC International

doi:10.1094/CFW-53-2-0103 |  VIEW ARTICLE

CFW Report

First International Cereals Conference in Latin America

O. K. Chung. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. Cereal Foods World 53(2):103-105.

The 1st Latin American ICC International Conference, Cereals and Cereals Products: Quality and Safety—New Challenges of World Demand, was organized by the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC) and several Argentinean organizations, including the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), the Secretariat of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Food (SAGPyA), and Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario (BCR, Rosario Chamber of Commerce). The conference was held in the BCR Conference Center in Rosario, Argentina, September 23–26, 2007. It was the first time in history that the ICC (www.icc.or.at) conference took place in South America, specifically Argentina, the fifth largest wheat and the second largest maize exporter in the world grain market. This site was chosen for the conference because it is a first-grade port and a point of convergence for a large quantity of goods that originate in Argentina’s central and northern areas as well as in the bordering nations. On Sunday, September 23, the ICC committee meetings (the governing, executive, and technical), the poster set-up and exhibition preparation, and the evening welcome reception were scheduled. On Monday, the conference started with the opening and welcome addresses, followed by three plenary lectures, followed by seven additional technical sessions, ending on Wednesday, September 26. Since simultaneous translators were available, oral presenters could use either English or Spanish.


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