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Cereal Chem 63:267-270   |  VIEW ARTICLE
Changes in the Alpha-Amylase and Protease Activities of Four Secondary Hexaploid Triticales During Kernel Development.

L. J. Macri, G. M. Ballance, and E. N. Larter. Copyright 1986 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. 

The alpha-amylase, exoprotease, and endoprotease activities of four secondary hexaploid triticales and one hard red spring wheat were followed from 21 days post-anthesis to full maturity during the 1983 and 1984 growing seasons. Alpha-Amylase activity of the triticales generally increased during kernel development, while exo- and endoprotease activities generally decreased. At full maturity, all triticales were higher in whole grain alpha-amylase and protease activities than Marquis wheat checks grown in the same year. Of the three enzyme systems examined, differences in alpha-amylase activity due to cultivar and year were most apparent.

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